Samstag, 5. Mai 2007

The Chaffinch


The call of a chaffinch can be heard in many different ways. There’s the mating call which sounds like "pink pink", the flying call "jüp jüp" or the rain call "wrrüt". The chaffinch is singing, from the end of February till June, a belted out and sinked tone series like „zizizizjazjazoritiu-zip“or "zipzipzip". Chaffinches sing and call in different living spaces most unequal. Those singing and calling variants are signified as dialect. In the following spring-time the chaffinches learn the dialect of the characteristic of their species singing.


The manikin marks in spring-time his offspring area by a strong and loudly singing. The artful, thick-walled nest consists of roots and outside it is covered with tresses and moss. Inside is cushioned with hairs and several feather. The female breeds alone and when she’s in danger, she pushes deep into the nest. The young are fed by their parents with insects, their larvae and above all with caterpillar.
The chaffinch breeds two times, from May till June, 4-6 eggs. The incubation time amounts to 11-13 days and the time they stay in the nest amounts of 13-14 days.

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